
This module allows to visualize, edit and calculate both a fluid network and an electric energy network. An analysis can be performed in more than one scenario, given historical well flows and forecasts flows, data that is linked to the Sahara project. Also, giving characteristics to the pipes there is a chance to do pressure balances.

facilities netwotk oil and water facilities netwotk gas and energy capacities facilities with text

Basically, the system handles two types of objects, nodes and pipes, each with a number of properties or static and dynamic attributes. The topology and operation of the network is defined with the relationships between the nodes.

Variance between operation and design values can help to identify bottle necks. Different charts, tables and bubble maps enable visualize this information for the analysis.

PFD bubbles

In brief, this module allows obtaining:

  • Inflow and outflow from each node (oil, gas, water)
  • Pipe velocities
  • Transference water flows
  • Fluid balance in time
  • Warnings when design values are exceeded
  • Gas and electric energy consumption
  • Energy generation