
Sahara Unconventional is a complete suite of tools and methodologies exclusively designed to analyze unconventional resources data.

It will allow you to make a thorough well by well analysis enabling to define differet workflows to standardize your job.

Group and statistical analysis will allow you to perform analog wells analysis, statistical specialized forecast and study the behavior of important variables and new wells.

Well Analysis Window

  • Obtain an integrated visualization of historical production data.
  • Easily detect and remove outliers.
  • Identify well“s behavior and check for correlation.
  • Identify and characterize different flow regimes.
  • Use diagnostic plots, RTA analysis and specialized decline curve analysis.
  • Evaluate how any point impacts in each chart at a glance.
  • Interact with the Project“s Map Window.
  • Define a workflow and easily apply it to every well in a project.
  • Compare results obtained from different methodologies.
unconventional interface unconventional interface

Group Analysis Window

  • Perform analog well analysis and identify new wells“ behavior within a group.
  • Run Montecarlo simulations to obtain statistical forecasts.
  • Apply statistical analysis tools to unconventional characteristic variables.
  • Study and compare different methodologies to obtain type wells.
unconventional interface unconventional interface